
A Contemporary Cabinet of Curiosities: Selections from the Vicki and Kent Logan Collection

Exhibition catalogue for the CCAC Institute
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Essay by Ralf Rugoff

From Ralph Rugoff’s essay: In the sixteenth century, the cabinet of curiosities, or Wunderkammer, emerged as a novel type of collection. Assembled by devoted amateurs, such collections aimed to instill a sense of wonder in the spectator by presenting mysteries of nature as well as examples of humankind’s more ingenious technologies. Drawing no distinction between the arts and sciences, they displayed biological specimens, taxidermied animals, and fossils alongside paintings and exquisitely crafted artifacts. Included in the “cabinet” of German physician Lorenz Hoffman, for example, were canvases by Albrecht Dürer and Lucas Cranach, a selection of mummies and rare musical instruments, a newborn’s skeleton, and a microsculpture consisting of two dozen spoons concealed within a cherry pit.

52 pages
14 artwork stickers
7 x 9 inches