Elizabeth Needham: Sweet Arrangement
photography monograph for Elizabeth Needham
From Elizabeth Needham's introduction:
Pen Pals of San Quentin is a unique program jointly operated by Marin Humane and San Quentin Rehabilitation Center. Selected inmates, who work in the prison Firehouse, either as firefighters or emergency first responders, learn to socialize and train dogs to prepare them for their forever home with families in the community. All participants must have a clean behavior record and absolutely no history of animal abuse. Since 2005, 80 incarcerated men and 523 dogs have participated in the Pen Pals Program. . . . The men here are not victims, and this is not just about their story, or about prison reform. Nor is it about our story — the story we tell ourselves that these inmates are here to be rehabilitated and returned to the community as functioning members of society — no matter how they are really treated. This book documents my experience with these men, and this incredible program. This story needs to be told, and I hope I do it justice.
76 pages
10.5 x 11 inches