Jack Stauffacher: A Man for all Seasons
Keepsake designed for the Book Club of California
Cover printed letterpress from wood type by Dependable Letterpress; interior lithographed by Oscar Printing.
From the preface by guest editor Michael Carabetta:
Master printer, designer, typographer, teacher, scholar, mentor—Renaissance man. As you will read in this tribute to him, Jack Werner Stauffacher was all those things, and more. In travels that took him from his native San Mateo, California, to sojourns in Italy and Switzerland, and teaching stints at Carnegie Mellon University and U.C. Santa Cruz, Jack was an itinerant gentleman scholar gleaning all he could from those he considered his mentors—Jan Tschichold, Armin Hofmann, Emil Ruder—and the cultures he found himself in.
“Jack Stauffacher describes himself as a printer. It is a somewhat deceptive term for us today. His use of the term connects him to a five-hundred-year tradition of the entrepreneur-publisher-designer-typographer-printer. Like the best who made up that custom, he possesses a love of type and printing and the ability to convey meaningful words and thought.”
—Chuck Byrne, “Jack Stauffacher, Printer,”1998
48 pages
8 x 10 inches