Laura Ruth Bidwell: The Last Magician
exhibition catalogue for PhotoCentric
From Laura Ruth Bidwell’s artist’s statement:
Although I have always wanted to call a solo show “Group Show” based on the multitude of personalities and approaches within one artist, this show is called “The Last Magician”. The title is based on the universal reaction I get from makers and viewers when I suggest that artists are possibly the last magicians left on Earth. The nods of recognition and approval are swift and confirming.
Explanations of why one makes art are enough to make the dreamer fall from their flight to the ground. The simplest questions we ask are “How do I solve this problem?” or “I wonder how it would look if…?”.
Works included are portraits, plates, books and assemblages. The dimensional pieces were made during this current restricted time. All are photographic or image-based.
36 pages
6 x 9 inches