exhibition catalogue for PhotoCentric
From the introduction by Michael Loderstedt:
In this exhibition, the viewer will find many extraordinary examples of photo-based print processes on a wide variety of papers and materials including digital prints, screenprinting, lithography, photo-intaglio, even photo-screenprinted enamels onto glass. Themes that emerge from these works also range widely from personal narratives, ecological concerns, and constructs of identity and social justice, all notions well suited to the camera’s particular ability to render faithfully. However, within these structures emerge these artist’s additional hybridization of dislocation, of experimentation and new combinations of processes and materiality. This exhibition, and the many that will follow, extend PhotoCentric’s core mission to explore the pervasive impact of the photographic image on artistic practice broadly, and its importance in our understanding of culture.
36 pages
6 x 9 inches